Sunday, March 22, 2009


Reece was up a lot yesterday. It's fun to see him begin to interact with his eyes. He loves to be swaddled tightly and this added with laying on his tummy seemed to be the trick to getting him to sleep when he was extra fussy.
Last night, Reece didn't sleep very well. He just couldn't find it even though the nurse tried all of her tricks (including the swing which usually works quite well). After 3 AM, he finally was able to rest for about 4 hours. His nurse this morning is the same as yesterday. Having a nurse who knows Reece is comforting to me as a mom. But, all of the nurses we have had are excellent. What a blessing to be in the care of top notch, quality people.
Reece continues to be on 3 mls. at least until the doctors tell us otherwise. They haven't seen him yet today, but we'll give an update if something changes. Thanks for your prayers and support! Oh, and thanks to all of our visitors yesterday. It was great seeing our family and a student of mine from Blue Star. Unfortunately, no one under 16 except siblings can actually see Reece. Fortunately, my student's mom had a camera and took pictures for her daughter to see. I appreciated the visit though. I miss Blue Star!
Hugs and Kisses to you all,


  1. Hi:

    It was great to see you both at church this morning. I had hoped to give you a hug afterwards ... but, you know how that goes. You talk to someone and then the other person's gone already. Anyway, I was praying for you in church, knowing it's hard to be somewhere - even church - and knowing your baby is in the hospital. No matter how wonderful the care is, and I know it is wonderful at DeVos - you just want your baby healthy and at home.

    Continuing to pray for you.

    Jane Klingenberg

  2. Sunday is a special time for me to reflect over the week gone by and anticipate what God has planned for this week. I pray that as this week goes by for Reece and your family that you will continue to see God's blessing and Reece will be healed completely and one day closer to coming home for good!
    Brenda Roels

  3. Reece must be expressing his desire to get out of there, too. There are only so many hours in a day to be slept. Hope he is more content today. Glad you have nurses that give you the comfort of knowing he is cared for when you cannot be there.

  4. Saying a little prayer for you all as I type. Can't wait to hear when his food is increased. The pictures I have of the boys at Holland are so precious. Hope to have more of ALL our boys playing together soon! ;)
