Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hunger pains

Have you ever watched a crying baby look for food from its parents? A mother's breast or a father's bottle is the only thing that can soothe their hungry stomach. Well, today BJ and I experienced a crying, hungry baby boy. The good thing we praise God for is the fact that he WAS hungry! That means his stomach is getting better and he's wanting it filled with food. The heartache comes when we know we can't give him food that way. He's getting the nutrients he needs for the time being through his PIC line (TPN and Lipids). His stomach and intestines need to rest for a while until they are more healthy and there is less green stuff coming out of his stomach. I have to admit, it was extremely difficult as a mom to be holding her crying, hungry son and having him move his head towards her breast, but not be able to feed him. Please pray his stomach can continue to heal and the green turns clear for them to take suction off the tube and then have it go away so he can be fed. I know this could take many days and many times of heartache, but I believe God can and has done more than we could ever ask for or imagine. I know Reece is in great hands at the NICU and have met some amazing doctors and nurses along the way.

BJ and I would like to thank Maga, Aunt Heidi, Aunt Mary, both Papas, Grandma Grace, Uncle Dale, Aunt Carol, Denise, Erin, and Maggie for coming to visit us today. We also thank nurse Karen, Nurse Caroline, and Nurse Jude for taking time out of their shifts to come and say hi as well. Your support means a TON!

We also would like to thank all of those who have e-mailed us through the hospital's web site. We do get those e-mails and have been humbled by your prayers, stories, and notes of encouragement. Without our fellow family in Christ we would have little hope or loving care. We need you and appreciate you.

To all of those checking this blog - thanks! It's been very therapeutic to come home and give you an update. Continue to keep Reece in your prayers. He's a spunky little one! We love him so!


  1. Hello Nykamp Family-

    Thinking of you all and saying many prayers for Reece and your family. We know how difficult it is not to be able to help your child, we have been there with Jasper. What we have learned is that GOD CAN!! And when you can't hold him, GOD CAN!! And when you can't be there, GOD CAN!! The road ahead seems so long and it is not always easy, but before you know it the doctor is going to say, tommorow you can take him home! Jasper spent 80 days in the NICU and has been home for 6 months already. We are lifting Reece up to the ONE who created his sweet little body and asking for full healing of his body. Always remember that when you can't be there Jesus is sitting in that rocking chair right beside him loving him so much. Say Hi to Nurse Jude from Jasper, she is so awesome!!
    With Love from Mike,Tina,Ava and Jasper Jacobsen

  2. Hi Sue and BJ too! Love the slide show - the pictures are beautiful! Reece is such a cutie pie and it looks like big brother Ben is so proud! It is a wonderful sign that he is hungry, but I am hurting with you when you say there is nothing you can do about it. I'm glad you love the blog - they are so much fun and a wonderful way of communication. Love ya tons!!!!!!

  3. What a beautiful baby boy BJ, Sue and Ben. God has big plans for him, I'm sure. You are all in our prayers and thoughts.
    Peggy and Larry Meeuwsen

  4. Aww, feeling your pain, Sue. So difficult for you. Just remember that Reece will not remember this temporary discomfort. Hold that thought close as you go through the next days until he gets that feeding tube out.

  5. Your slide show is precious and the Casting Crowns song is perfect. That's one that I have leaned on as well! If all of life was good and comfortable, God's goodness might be forgotten. But in the storms, His unconditional love and grace fills our hearts and makes us truly grateful that we are a child of God. I know how difficult it is to see a child suffer. Thank goodness for health workers, clean hospitals and healing. We are truly blessed. Keep your eyes on Him that holds little Reece's future in His hands. God is good.

  6. We had nurse Karen in the NICU there as well- she is amazing! Actually, all of them are pretty amazing. Just wanted you to know that you all are constantly in our prayers and we are thrilled to hear that he is improving everyday. Give Reece a big hug and kiss from us!

  7. Makes tears in my eyes...We love you all so much and want you to know your are constantly in our prayers! Love the slide show thanks for sharing!

    Hugs and Kisses to you all from the Schrotenboers! Love you guys!

    P.S. If we can be any help with Ben please let us know, we would love to have him come play!
