Monday, March 16, 2009

Another Good Day

Reece has been blessed with another good day today. The surgeons came around and informed us that he no longer needs to be on his anti-biotics. The stoma nurse came in this morning to help give him a new bag. She also put a bag on his mucus fibula and umbilical cord in hopes to dry out the cord, but keep the mucus fibula safe. Reece was awake several times today and slept for a while as well. When he's awake he so wants to eat food (but can't eat yet) or he wants to be burped or have his diaper changed. Fortunately, the surgeons said he'll be able to eat on Thursday! YEAH for Reece! It won't be a lot of food and it will probably not be absorbed very well, but at least it will help Reece feel like he's getting something. Please pray for Thursday. Pray that he'll be able to suck on the bottle well and swallow. Pray that he'll find contentment in this up and coming food. Also, thank God for his continued healing power and his love for our son. We are so thankful for all of you. And, we want to say thanks to Aunt Greta for coming to visit and bringing her famous bread. The grandma's and grandpa's took the "second shift" tonight and held Reece for a while after his care. We love how much time they spend with him too. Family is a gift we treasure. We hope you enjoy your family tonight as well.


  1. You all continue in our prayers, we are doing the 30 hour famine this weekend at our church it sounds like reece has got his out of the way. we will be praying for thursday. God bless you all.

  2. I'm praying for you all! You have such a little fighter! I can't wait to come see him! Hopefully soon! Thanks for posting this blog, because it lets me know how I can pray for your little guy and your family! =) Take care my friends!

  3. Counting down to Thursday with you. Hey, Sue, if you get a chance call me tomorrow and let me know when I might catch you at home. I have a delivery from Blue Star. I have a dr. app't at 1, but should be home after that.

  4. Great news! Continued prayers for each of you as each day brings new progress. -Lara

  5. That is awesome news! Reece, you are definitely showing us how strong you are. We love you and pray that you are able to take a bottle easily.

  6. Hey Sue and BJ, thanks so very much for keeping us all updated via this blog. Your news is so precious to all of us praying for your family and wondering how you are doing. Let us pray that he tolerates his bottle well on Thursday.

  7. I'm so glad that things are going so well and that you are able to hold Reece and cuddle with him. Continued prayers that Thursday will go well.
