Tuesday, March 24, 2009

highs and lows

Waiting in the mother's lounge today I was reminded how difficult this place can be. I sat quietly doing my motherly duty while listening to the sniffles of other mother's tears. I remember the times where I too had sat and prayed and cried for my precious little one. It made me think of Psalm 23 and how God walks with us through the valleys. I prayed for the moms I heard...that they had God to walk with them through their valleys too. I know He comforted me and kept me strong enough to endure the hard times in order to face some of the good times we've had lately.
On that note, today Reece was increased to 9 mls. YEAH GOD! Other than that, Reece slept some of the day and was awake for awhile now. Thanks be to God for continued progress.


  1. WOW! What a big boy! Isn't it amazing how proud you can be of such a little person. I think that Reece is trying to tell us to pray BIG. Jesus said to ask for anything in His name and it will be as we asked. I'm praying big Reece!!


  2. Woo Hoo! Love hearing about the progress sweet Reece is making. Still praying he'll be strong and ready for his reconnect and loving you.

  3. And while we continue to pray for you, we can add those moms to our prayer list, too. God knows their name, even if they do not know Him.

  4. Praising God for the progress Reece is making!! Wonderful news that he is tolerating the increase in feeds...:)
    Praying that God continues to sustain you and your family, both physically and emotionally during Reece's hospitalization. Praying too that the parents of other little ones at DeVos may experience the comfort and peace of God's loving arms holding them close.

  5. God is so good! You are an amazing selfless mommy! I think you are so wonderful and Reese and Ben are lucky to have such an awesome mom! Take care you guys! Thinking of you!

  6. Susan & BJ, We are continuing to rejoice in your good news and also realizing that you are traveling a journey with many other families there. My prayer is that you will continue to receive the strength you need for each day. We pray tonight for precious Reece and also for Ben. May these boys continue to grow in health. Be with Susan and BJ, Lord, and continue to encourage them, not only with Reece's progress, but also with how You are working in their lives to grow you closer to Yourself. Be with Ben as he is away from his parents at times, and be with those who care for him. Bless the grandparents and give them stamina for the continuous journeys back and forth to the hospital. We pray for safety, Lord, in travel, and tonight we pray for rest and anticipation for a new day to serve You. Blessings, Aunt Allie, Uncle Bob and family
