Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday, March 27

Just a short note to let you know he moved up to 15 mls today. Some have asked how big he is now. I'm not sure of his length, but he weighs 8 pounds 8 ounces as of last night. He's growing and doing well. Thanks for all of your prayers and say an extra one for him to sleep more at night.


  1. Yay Reece! Yay God!!!!! Love you!

  2. He's tripled his intake this week! Fantastic!!!! As far as sleeping days and being awake at night....I think he gets some of that honestly from his great-aunts Lori and Dawn. :-)

  3. I just read through your updates from the past week. God is giving you great strength through His people and sending the best to care for Reece. It's wonderful to hear that he is making incredible gains, thanks be to God! How do people that don't personally know our Redeemer handle the roller coaster of life? Our prayers continue to be said for your family.

  4. That is awesome news!! I continue to pray for continued healing, increase of food, and patience for your family.
    Love you,

  5. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I've been home for the past 2 school days with Spencer with a fever. I'm so touched by your boys and how Ben has faith in Jesus/God. Spencer said on Thursday, "Mom we should pray for me to get better". I said that I have been praying, but then said a quick out loud prayer for him right there while we were sitting together on the couch. I'll keep praying for Reece too. Love ya, Judy B. :)
