Saturday, March 7, 2009


The doctors at Holland Hospital grew concerned when Reece did not want to eat and seemed to have a painful abdomen and was lethargic. He vomited and was losing weight. They transferred him to Devos Children's Hospital on Wednedsay. ( We are so thankful to have such a wonderful facility so close by!!!) After several tests, the surgeon performed exploratory surgery on Thursday night hoping to find a blockage or something simple. Unfortunately, he discovered that Reece has Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC). NEC is a inflammation and infection of the intestines. The surgeon had to remove about 30 cm of Reece's intestines. Due to the infection he was unable to reconnect all the intestinal segments. Which means that Reece has 3 separate sections of digestive tract with "stomys" out of his abdomen. This allows his intestinal tract to rest and be drained from outside his body via ileostomy bags. By removing all the diseased portions and then allowing the intestines to rest this promotes healing and hopefully control of the infection. The ultimate goal is in six weeks, Reece will have another operation to reconnect all the pieces.

The cause of NEC is unknown. It usually occurs in very premature babies but rarely can occur in term babies. When the case is severe and there is small holes in the intestines or severely damaged tissue then surgery is needed. Reece did have some small leaks so our prayers are for the NEC to not progress in the remaining mild spots and for the antibioitics to control the infection in his abdomen. Many newborns with NEC that need surgery, survive and go on to live healthy lives. Once NEC is treated, it is not a progressive disease or something that Reece will always have.

-So please pray for no complications and for no infection and just for God's great healing!!!

-Also pray for Sue for healing from her c-section and for rest and comfort.

-Pray for both BJ and Sue and the grandparents for comfort that the machines and tubes are helping baby Reece as they struggle to see him like that.

-Pray for Big Brother Ben to understand that his mommy and daddy have to share time between him and baby Reece.

-Praise God for Devos Children's Hospital and all the wondeful Doctors and nurses and staff that work there!! They are amazing!!


  1. We continue to pray for Sue's healing, and for Reece to continue healing without complications. If you need help with Ben let us know, or someone to come a sit and visit with you at the hospital as things get better just call

  2. We'll be praying for little Reece and for both you guys. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do for you. Love & Prayers, Tami & Randy

  3. BJ & Sue we will continue to pray for your family. For healing for Sue and Reece, for grace and peace for all. Sending our love and prayers, Bob & Barb

  4. Thinking of you! Congratulations on another little boy! Praying for quick healing. My God give you all peace.
    Beth (Dougan)Ludema

  5. You guys have been in a prayers all week. God is good! Hang in there! Luke and Leah say give Ben and Reece a hug!!
