Sunday, April 5, 2009


Sorry about not blogging in a while. I meant to yesterday, but chose sleep instead. I meant to Friday, but chose to go on a date night with BJ instead.
But, today I feel the need to pass along some words I remember from today's sermon. Pastor Mark talked about Ruth 3 today and towards the end of his sermon he gave our congregation words of encouragement for all of their displays of spherical power...the power of people who show love to others around them and it "spheres" into the community and everywhere else. Immediately I wanted to give words of encouragement to all of those who read this blog and show their love to us "spherically". Everyone has been amazing at this! We are very loved and hope to spread this love on to others some day as well.
Reece has been very stable the last few days and continues to grow. He's over 9 pound now! We have given him the nickname of "squirt". It's appropriate considering all of the squirts from his stomas and squirts of sucrose given to him as a means of comfort. He's our little squirt! And, we love him to pieces!
We hope to update photos on here sometime. So, look for those this week maybe.


  1. Hi Nykamps!
    We're so glad to hear the good news about our little miracle! He's so adorable. Also, keep those date nights coming! You two need a change of atmosphere from time to time and he has excellent babysitters (grandparents). Please let us know if we, too, can help some how some way.
    Love to you all, the Boschs

  2. Glad things are going well, Sue. I was a bit worried since I hadn't seen you on facebook or here. I had planned on calling you tomorrow. Still will, but only if you don't feel obligated to call me right back. I'd love to come and meet your newest little guy this week.

  3. Hi Sue,
    We missed you at small group last night but completely realize and understand your priorities right now! But we included you in our prayers as always and talked about how we might help you out when baby Reece finally comes home and you can begin your delayed homecoming time. Love to all of you and God Bless you and watch over you.........

  4. I sure think about y'all and your little ones a lot. I hope all is as good today. Love you.

  5. Hi Sue and BJ & Boys, It's so fun to read the updates and to see how Reece is progressing. We continue to pray for you guys. I know it's hard not to look too far ahead, but keep on trusting. I was at a conference this past week and the song leader led the group in the old hymn "Great is Thy Faithfulness" and I couldn't help but think of you guys as they sang, "..morning by morning, new mercies I see..All I have needed your Hand hath provided, Great is Thy Faithfulness, Lord unto me." We continue to marvel at His goodness and provision over all of you. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help out. Love Aunt Allie, Uncle Bob and family.
