Thursday, April 23, 2009

All smiles

Oh the smile of a little lights up my life! Add a coo or two and it's sweet bliss. I am so very thankful Reece is in good spirits. Oh, he has his moments of gas/bowel pain when having a BM, but I can only imagine how that must feel in his little body. :-) He's now up to 10mls. for his feedings and the staph infection was the "good" strain. No isolation! YEAH! He's being treated with anti-biotics and the first cultures have shown they are working. I can't tell you how nice it is to play with him and see him interact. He's a joy and I'm very thankful God has been healing him so quickly. Thank you for praying for our son. We send praises today!


  1. Great news! I can't wait to see him! Give him an extra kiss from me.

    Audra says: I love you, Reece!

  2. Nykamps-

    What awesome news!! What an awesome God!! Reece you are such a trooper and one strong dude!! It sounds like home is in the near future :))))) Have a great day!

    Tina Jacobsen

  3. Yeah to God for continued healing and upholding you all! The power of prayer is nothing short of miraculous...:)'s OK to have days where you feel impatient, you're human and this recovery can seem to take "forever." Having worked with postop GI patients, I know the frustration over set backs, the desire for tubes to be removed and food to be started and diets advanced. It will all happen in God's perfect timing and I'm praying extra hard for you and BJ that this journey is short in duration and long on peace. I'm so amazed at what you've been through the past 7 weeks and the grace in which you've handled it...don't get down on yourself for the occassional "woe is me." :)
    Enjoy the gorgeous weather this weekend!
    Love, Cindy
    PS...Brendan is sending one of his big {{{HUGS}}} to you!

  4. Glad to hear no isolation!! We continue to pray for God's healing in your precious son. May you be blessed today.
    Keith & Sally

  5. We are so excited for all of you. Hopefully this leg of the journey will be over for all of you soon and you can continue to experience all of those special smiles in the comfort of your own home - what a day that will be!! Continuing to lift you all up to our heavenly Father and right now praising Him for how He has granted you all safety in travel back and forth and also how wonderful Reece seems to be doing these days. "God is so good, God is so good, God is so good.......He answers prayers!!!" Yahoo! Love Aunt Allie, Uncle Bob and family.

  6. We are thankful for each day a prayer is answered, and we know that is everyday!

    Our prayers are offered and given in the best way we know how to offer them and God chooses to answer them in His perfect way.

    Thanks be to God for all blessings poured out for Reece and Mom & Dad & Ben
    Brenda Roels - Overisel Ref.
