Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Where did yesterday go? I know things were busy up at the NICU and NIM. We had several other patients admitted on our side and we heard the census was way high too. Because of that, the doctors didn't see Reece until after 6 PM. But, he's doing well and things seem good. Dr. Gelfand met with him and was okay with his output for the last few days. So, he moved him up to 12mls! YEAH! So excited! We were glad to have him progress again. As far as the bag goes, he keeps the nurses busy by losing it at least once a day. He also lost it twice last night so they replaced it again this morning and just about an hour ago they lost it again. Amazing! I'm just thankful they can continue to find creative ways to bag his stomas so they can keep his skin clean and his stomas protected.
Today, the doctors haven't met with him yet either. I'm sure he's not high on their priority list right now considering how well he is doing. We are very thankful for that. I'll let you know more tomorrow.
Off to pump! -Sue
PS - Thanks Kari for dropping me off at the hospital today. It's nice to be blessed by others! Thanks!


  1. Sue, just a note to keep you encouraged as you encouarge Sally on her page often too. I know that you recognize the importance of making the most of a moment.
    The NIMS unit where my son was after birth already 14 years ago, all comes back to me when you post information. The pumping, the new babies that come in the room, all of that I remember. You of course are experiencing a way more extended stay and for different reasons. So, know that we still pray for you and your little one, who appears to be growing nicely! Thanks for updating when you can.
    Brenda Roels-Overisel Ref.

  2. Can't wait to see you both tomorrow!
