Tuesday, April 14, 2009


The surgeons finished Reece's surgery around 11 something this morning. We spent some time with him and then had lunch before getting on-line. His surgery was VERY successful! YEAH GOD! We are so happy that Dr. Robertson was able to make two connections. This is great because that means they were able to save all of the small intestines he had left since the last surgery. He had minimal scarring and little blood loss. Dr. Robertson also took out the appendix (not sure how to spell that) while he was in there. He said Reece had had enough tummy surgery. :-)
Reece is now resting in his same location in his same crib. He does have a warmer above him because they need to monitor his chest area for a while. He also continues to be on a ventilator, morphine, and has suction coming from his stomach (because his bowels aren't ready for digesting yet) as he recovers from surgery. It's so nice to see him without the bags and with only a bandage to recover with!
We thank our Lord for watching over Reece and the surgeons during the surgery and continue to pray for his recovery. He has quite a road ahead of him yet as it will be a while before he can begin eating and then work up to full feeds.
Thanks for your love and prayers! God is good! -Sue


  1. That's great news! I will pray for a quick recovery.
    Love you all.

  2. :) love you guys! Give Reece a kiss for us! We will be thinking of you all day today...our hearts are up there with you. Can't wait to come see him again in his corner with the view! :)

    heidi, miko and ryn

  3. Yeah, people have been asking all day. We were afraid you emailed Kelli and she is not here today! So glad things went as well as they did. Praying for a quick and uneventful recovery.

  4. We thank God for answered prayers!! We will continue to pray for recovery and healing. Our God is faithful.
    Keith & Sally

  5. God is so good! We are rejoicing with all of you!
    Blauwkamp family

  6. Nykamp Family-

    What AWESOME news!! Our God Rocks and Reece is one little Rock Star! It is so amazing how strong these little ones are and what they can endure. We will continue to pray for Reece and pray that he recovers quickly from surgery so he can start a new leg of this journey towards home. Sending up many prayers of praise to our amazing Lord!!

    Tina Jacobsen

    "Lord, our Lord, How excellent is Your name in all the earth, Who have set Your glory above the heavens! Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have ordained strength" Psalm 8:1-2

  7. Praise the Lord!! We are so blessed to have a God of miracles! We will continue to keep your family in our prayers!

  8. YEAH GOD!!!!!! Love and blessings to all of you!!!!!

    ~The Hollemans~

  9. Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!!!!thanks for keeping us updated. keeping Recce in our prayers for continued healing.love in Christ mary

  10. This is just wonderful news! How wonderful that surgery is now done and that you don't have to wait until Thurs or Fri! You are now two days ahead of schedule and two days closer to bringing your sweet baby home! I can't WAIT to hold, hug, and kiss this little guy! You all mean so much to our family and we love you so!

  11. All praise to God for the wonderful news! We will continue to hold you and Reece in our prayers during his recovery. {{HUGS!}}

  12. Absolutely wonderful! :-)
