Saturday, April 18, 2009


It's been a long night and morning for Reece. He's finally had a stint of sleep (3 hours) where he seemed comfortable and not agitated. Last night and this morning he was very restless and ornary and yet didn't want to be cuddled (very unlike him). Obviously, he's in pain and hungry (both or one or the other...not sure). It's the first time in a while where I came up to the hospital and got a negative report from the nurse. As a mom, it's so hard to hear he's hurting when I just want him to feel good. I know there's a process for everything and he's getting good care, it just hasn't been the best of mornings for him. I'm praying this afternoon is better.
They did take his suction off and are checking to see how he digests the stomach fluids. This is the next step in the process towards food. They still haven't talked food yet. We're just praying God can bless him with healing sleep. Peaceful, comfortable, content, and powerfully healing rest that can only be found in our Savior's healing hands.

1 comment:

  1. Father in heaven, Please be with precious Reece. Grant him rest and peace. Calm his little spirit down so that the healing process can take place. God, bless Reece as you hold him in Your tender hands. We praise you, God, for how you have sustained him so far and we pray for continued healing. Be with Susan and B.J. and Ben, too Lord, as they must be so tired as well. It's so hard as parents to see your children suffer. You know that better than any of us. Continue to guard Reece from any infections and we pray that soon he will be able to take in food. May he grow to be a young man that seeks after You. Thank you, Lord, for giving him to parents who love You. We love you Lord. Allie, Bob and family
