Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Not sure why a child can get sick quickly, but cultures seem like they take forever to grow! Okay, so I'm a little sick of playing the waiting game. Sorry. But, so far we know he has some kind of staph (spelling?) infection. Not sure if it's the bad strand or the easier to treat strand. We're praying it's the easier to treat strand because if it's the "bad" strand he may have to go into isolation. The funny thing is, Reece looks and acts very healthy! He's cooing and holding is head up again. It's like he's back to his pre-surgery self as far as attitude is concerned. We can thank God for that! He's also started to eat again. Although it's only a teaspoon, it's at least a beginning. We are thankful for that too. The small baby steps mean so much while we wait.


  1. No need to apologize, you're the mom and you feel like you feel!

  2. Maybe Reece's happy mood is his & God's way of telling you that everything is going to be Okay! Keeping you all in our prayers.

  3. What a nice surprise to see you and your mom last night! What a great gift for you mom's birthday! You're such a sweetie!
    I've been praying and believing for healing of this infection in your little sweetie today! Your posts are such an amazing testimony of our good God! Thanks for your faithfulness friend!

    love you!

  4. Sue-

    Pryaing for Reece and praying for that Staph infection to hit the road!! Praying that this is easy and quick to treat. Glad to hear Reece is starting to be himself again after surgery and starting to eat again. Love those baby steps because we need them to get where we want Reece to be and that is HOME!! Thinking of you and sending up many prayers for you all.

    Tina Jacobsen
