Thursday, April 16, 2009

Reece today

Reece has had a good day today. He got his IV taken out of his head today, so he looks better. However, he is still using morphine to help with pain. We are holding him as much as we can and enjoying every moment of it!
I had my post-op with my OB today and that went well. I do have high blood pressure and she thinks I may have had it for a while. So, I'm now on medication and will get checked again in a month.
We are praying for a poopy diaper. I know that isn't what most parents pray for, but we hope he has one soon so he can start eating again. Funny how the hospital changes things...
Thanks for your prayers. -Sue


  1. Sue-you crack me up. Glad you had a good check up except for the blood pressure thing. I think it comes with the job of teacher and mom, for sure.

  2. We pray about everything, you know that!
    So happy to be able to do that for you and your family. I'm hoping healing comes quickly and that all the parts are hooked up right and do the things they are suppose to do. Keep us posted on his progress. It is always good to hear from you.
    Brenda Roels, Overisel Ref.

  3. Hey Sue-

    Glad to hear that Reece had a good day today :) I had to smile when you said you where praying for poop because I remember praying for hours for Jasper to pee :) Sorry you have High Blood Pressure, I had to deal with that also after Jasper was born and was on labatalol for about 3 months. Praying for your family and praying for poop :)

    Tina Jacobsen

  4. We continue to pray for your family...very cute pictures you post. Hang in there. You guys are AWESOME!!! Love, The Carlsons

  5. Come on, poop! Thanks for the updates Sue and BJ! Love, the Rylaarsdams
