Thursday, April 2, 2009

PIC news

Reece has a new PIC line! Thank you for praying for us. We're glad it's in so that there is no more worry on mommy's part that he will have to be poked so often. Reece has had some problems with high output levels the past two days though. Please pray he'll start digesting his food better again. It's hard to see his level of intake have to go down because things are not working well. I think that as a parent we are informed this might happen, but until it does everything seems fine. Just when things seemed to have been going well, now it seems as though there's been a slight set back...nothing serious, but the roller coaster ride has begun.
We continue to pray in thanks for all of our prayer warriors out there and for those loving words of encouragement we get wherever we go. Bless you all and praise be to our Father!


  1. Hi Friends,

    "You made all the delicate, inner parts of Reece's body, and knit him together in Sue's womb." from Psalm 139:13 :o)
    God knows and loves your precious son! We do too! Jesus is his healer!
    Love you guys!
    Vickie B.

  2. Glad Reece doesn't have to have so many pokes, Sue. Seems God has been very generous in answering prayers from so many of us with so many people we care about. Doesn't surprise me, but makes me appreciate having faith to get through difficult times.

  3. Hi Sue and Ben. Wow, reading your comments just gives me the chills...and tears. It brings back so many memories. Yes, what a roller coaster. Hang in there. When you mentioned the doctor rocking Reece, it was Dr. Radecki (the triplets doctor in NICU). He's AWESOME!!! I had so many chills when you mentioned this because Spencer was such a sick boy and Dr. Radecki saved him. God bless the doctors and nurses. We will continue to pray for you guys. We hope baby Reece comes home soon. Take care and God bless your family. Love, Colly and Kristie Carlson (kiddos, too).

  4. I know that Reece is very loved and cared for. I'm thankful for each breath he takes. I don't know all the procedures that must occur before he can go home, but I pray for continued healthy growth, healing within his system and patience for all around who watch and wait and pray. I know O God you see our hurts and you heal our wounds, Bless O Father, Baby Reece!
    Brenda Roels

  5. Dear BJ & Sue,
    The boys and I just watched your slideshow for the first time -- with dialup it can be a challenge :-)! My kids enjoyed seeing the Eding kids holding him. One thing is for sure -- he's gotta a lot of love surrounding him! I thought we'd send a shoutout to Baby Reece via his blog rather than e-mail this time. We hope and pray that his digestion improves soon. I can only imagine how hard it is for you to see your little one go through all of this. We continue to hold all of you in our daily prayers. Love - The Dykstra's

  6. Our family continues to pray for you and your family, you are strong parents with lots of faith hang on to that. It will bring you through all trials, take it from someone who knows. If you need any help please let Lisa know or call me.
