Thursday, April 16, 2009

No Fever!!

Sue talked with the nurses over night and Reece's fever is gone and they did not have to start him on antibiotics. Hopefully this means Reece is healing well and has no infection. Sue is on her way to the hospital and just wanted to thank everyone for their prayers and give an update.


  1. Thank you for the update. This was on my mind all night. Prayers and hugs!

  2. What great news, Sue! One more hurdle you can leave in the dust. Thinking of you.

  3. God hears and answers prayers!!! I woke during the night and Reece popped into my mind, so I said an extra prayer for him then. Guess God wants us to pray instead of worry.
    Love & Prayers

  4. We will be praying for Reece and pray that there is no sign of any infections. The ups and downs of life in the NICU are crazy, remember God is always with you and Reece and he will always take care of you.

    Tina Jacobsen
