Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Reece has developed an infection. I did not write yesterday because all of the things going on were tests, tests, and more tests. What brought it on? Well, he had a fever for a few days which led to the first round of blood tests. These showed that there was some kind of infection going on, so more tests were ordered. He had blood and urine cultures taken. At this point they also began hitting him with 3 different anti-biotics. His fever did go down with the anti-biotics. The cultures take at least 24 hours to show any initial results. This morning, we found out the cultures did grow something (I cannot remember what it is called). The doctors recognized it as an infection in his PIC line. Fortunately, the anti-biotics are the best way to treat it. Now, they continue to wait until the 72 hours are through and they are able to tell EXACTLY what is wrong. Tomorrow morning they are going to take more samples to see if the anti-biotics are working.
I hope that made sense, but it all boils down to the fact that he has an infection in his PIC line, they are fighting it with anti-biotics, and they will be checking to see if the medication is working by doing more blood cultures tomorrow.
On another thought, Ben is not feeling well. Last night, he threw up at Erica's house. Bless her for taking such good care of him. She even took him home for us and we came home early to be with him. He did pretty good, but none of us slept well. Right now he's napping and I'm glad he seems to be feeling better. Neither BJ or I went to the hospital today. It's a first for me. Not easy...let me tell ya. But, I just can't bring the germs to the NICU. As long as Ben's feeling well, I plan to go tomorrow to see Reece. I think I'll wear a mask just to be on the safe side.
Thanks for reading and for praying. God can heal and we are in awe of His love for our family every moment of every day.


  1. I am sorry to hear about this little set back. A phrase that I have been saying a lot here at home is "this soon shall pass" and i hope this passes quickly and the testing will show what is coming from where are how to fix it....quick!

  2. Sue (and family)...
    Reece continues in my prayers! Becky had infections a few times in the NICU, too - hers were usually in her ET-tube. As hard as it is to be away from the hospital, God has let you know which child needed you the most today. I was always amazed at how His plans weren't always the same as mine for each day. Hang in there, and like Brooke said "this soon shall pass". For each struggle you face, remember that God is right there beside you!!!
    Sara Groenheide

  3. Sue....praying! I have been listening to the song "Healer", but Hillsong all day today and I have been praying for Reese and Sally Mudd. I will continue to pray that "The Healer" moves in Reese's little body tonight and uses those anti-biotics to do there job! Love you so much! Miss you and hope to come and see you all soon.

  4. Aw, shoot, Sue, I was hoping you were going to surprise us and tell us you were all home! Still, you are closer to that goal than you were even a couple of weeks ago. Praying that Reece responds quickly to antibiotics, Ben continues to feel better, and that you can go visit Reece tomorrow, even though it may mean a mask and scrubbing up to your elbows extra well! Sending a mental hug and lots of prayers your way.

  5. Hey Sue and BJ,

    I'll pray for your cute boys tonight. I went up to visit Jane the other night. I just realized that I could've visited you too, but I had Jane on my mind. So I hope all of you are home all healed soon! With lots of love, Judy B.

  6. Hi Nykamp family-

    Praying for Reece and praying that the anti-biotics will knock out this infection! Jasper also had an infection in the NICU and it is hard to wait those 72 hours, but thankfully we can pray while we wait. Reece is a strong little boy and will bounce right back. God is watching over Reece now and forevermore :)

    God Bless your family, Tina Jacobsen

  7. Hi Sue, BJ & Ben & Baby Reece, We are continuing to pray for you all. Our prayer today is that the infection will go away, the anti-biotics will kick in and no further complications so you can get that little guy home where he belongs! Love you all. Aunt Alie & family
